4 Nov 2015

New Study Looks at Pregnancy and Childbirth Complications

The birth of a baby is supposed to be a time filled with joy and hope for the future. When doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers make mistakes that lead to injuries to mothers and babies, the consequences are devastating for new parents and their families.

Depending on the severity of the mistake, a mother’s or child’s life might be forever changed by one brief instant of careless conduct on the part of a medical professional. In other cases, new mothers and babies experience complications that are ignored or brushed off as “normal” by hospital staff.

Unfortunately, medical staff sometimes add insult to injury by failing to inform new parents that mistakes have occurred. Other times, they force families to plead for medical records, lab results, or doctors’ reports.

A new study conducted by researchers at Cal Lutheran and Stanford University is taking a look at complications experienced by new mothers and babies during and immediately after childbirth. Researchers estimate that for every maternal death in the U.S., 50 additional women suffer a close call with a fatal complication and another 100 experience a severe adverse event.

Adverse Obstetric Events

Birth injury cases are especially emotional because they involve our most vulnerable loved ones. I am privileged to help new parents recover justice on behalf of their children. I have helped plaintiffs and their families in a large variety of childbirth injury cases, including matters that involve:

  • Brain damage
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Medication errors during pregnancy
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Fetal death
  • Hypoxia during birth
  • Injuries caused by vacuum extraction
  • Failure to perform timely cesarean section
  • Complications caused by breech birth
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Maternal hemorrhage
  • Brachial plexus injuries
  • Hold the Responsible Parties Accountable

Childbirth injury cases fall under the larger heading of medical malpractice. These are typically complicated cases that involve many defendants and require highly-skilled legal representation. Serious errors can occur during any stage of pregnancy and childbirth, including gestation, fetal monitoring, delivery, and newborn care.

Doctors, nurses, midwives, and hospital administrators and staff have all been known to engage in negligent conduct that leads to life-changing injuries for babies and parents. Identifying the responsible parties is one of the most important aspects of a birth injury case, which is why I work one-on-one with my clients to isolate all the details surrounding the accident.

Childbirth Injuries Are Life-Changing

Perhaps more so than any other type of personal injury, birth injuries have far-reaching consequences. When a child is harmed before, during, or shortly after birth, his or her life is forever altered. Pinpointing the cost of these mistakes and the financial compensation needed to help the child’s life unfold as smoothly as possible requires input from a variety of expert resources, including physicians, life-care planners, rehabilitation specialists, educators, and therapists. I work with a large network of professionals to determine an accurate level of damages for the families I represent.

Medical Malpractice Childbirth Injury Attorney

Injuries sustained at birth can impact a fragile new life forever or leave a new mother with permanent injuries. If you or your child has suffered a birth injury, your burden is already far too heavy. You should not have to deal with the additional burden of medical debt and future health care costs. Contact my office today at (912) 265-9811 to discuss your case.

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    J. Alan Welch Law